Just placing your body in the correct position for an exercise requires effort from the body. If you were able to place your body in the correct position, I would then ask you to "hold" this position for a certain amount of time. This would indicate you are strong enough to add movement to your golf fitness exercise.
There are dozens of stretches for all people. But take a look at some of them. Do they even remotely look like they will benefit your golf swing with cheap golf clubs? Stretches involving trunk flexibility; lower back; hamstring; and even shoulders specific to the mechanics of the swing are what you want. General stretches are better than nothing, but will delay your results. You want specific stretches.
Golf stretching is only effective if done consistently. Muscles can "go back" very quickly if left alone. They are elastic and can easily be improved, as well as quickly tightened if not stretched regularly.
Training your body to improve stability in your swing can get a little complex if you really want to see results. The swing happens at between 80-100 miles an hour. One of the biggest flaws of amateur golfers is moving in their golf swing with golf irons. Moving either laterally (sliding), vertically (up and done) or both. This is death to your golf swing. To improve your stability involves specific strength drills most trainers don't even know about.
A full range of motion would be a full shoulder turn to the left and right of center. Again, at the beginning you may be unable to make a full shoulder turn. So what do we do? We slowly work on increasing the "movement" within the golf exercise until you are at a point of full range.
As with the idea of "position," we do the same with the idea of "movement." We gradually increase until you have achieved a full range of motion in the golf exercise. Once this is achieved, we move on to the final stage of implementing a golf-specific exercise with taylormade burner plus irons.
You need to use your best judgment on every golf exercise in your program. This will allow you to perform each golf exercise with the correct technique, develop (maybe over time) the correct range of motion of each golf exercise in your program, and finally take each exercise to "your own level of tolerance."